Friday, April 17, 2015

8 weeks to go!


Sunday night I went to life cycle in Edinburgh for a spin special. It was a 90 minute ride based on the Paris Roubaix race. We watched a film of the race as we cycled. 90 minutes going hard on a flat road was very tiring but the prosecco afterwards made it all better!


On Monday I went to triathlon club for training. We did a mini hills session below Arthur's seat. The sun was out and although the running was intense it was fun.  This is my friend Heather and me - she is much faster at running than me and I struggle to keep up with her!

Our legs did really burn by the end 

I then did a swim session. We were focusing on open water swimming training so lots of swimming in groups of three. We had to practice how to breathe with two people kicking hard in front of you causing lots of splash and drag. We also did overtaking and making mini breaks away from the group to try and break away from the pack. We swam about 2000 metres! 


On Tuesday night I went to the triathlon spin session at Pedalhouse.  The music was really loud and our instructor shouted at us over the music - it was very intense! The floor was covered in sweat by the end.


Wednesday morning I got up at 6 in the morning to fit in a spinning session before work.  It was a good way to start the day despite having done a spinning session only 11 hours before!

In the evening I went to triathlon club - the weather has been totally fab and we got to run outside and see the sky turning pink.  This is a weird statue in Inverleith park:
Here are all of us running! My friend Heather was there again, but you can't see her because she is right at the front. 

This is Arthur's seat from a distance

We left the park after doing a sprint session.  We went to the pool.  We did 8x50 metre arm drills (which was good because my legs were sore).  We then did 400m swim.  Then 4x100, then 2x100 then 6x50.  I was very happy to get home and into bed after all that. 


Basically a rest day but I did a 5k run at lunch time with work pals


Friday morning at 5.30 I got up to go swimming.  I love swimming and I'm so sad I only have 7 more training sessions :-(

We did a 900 metre session, a 1000 m session and then a 1100 m session.  As well as a warm up and cool down.  So all in all we did over 3 kilometres!


I played a netball match in St. Andrews which was soooo fun! Probably doesn't count as training but hey ho. Every little helps

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